Webinar | Are We There Yet? Maintaining our resilience in continuously uncertain times

COVID 19 and Mental Health 9 e1643050211706

12:00 pm

COVID-19 remains a disruptive and unpredictable part of daily life. Dr. Talya Greene will discuss her research with frontline workers, COVID-19, and PTSD. She will also outline the differences in stress, trauma, anxiety, and burnout that many of us are feeling and offer her insights on how we can best cope, function, and move forward.


DR. TALYA GREENEĀ is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Community Mental Health at University of Haifa and Honorary Associate Professor at the Division of Psychiatry at University College London.

Dr. Greene is an expert in mental health consequences of mass traumatic events. She co-founded the COVID trauma response working group and is an Associate Editor for the European Journal of Psychotraumatology. Dr. Greene has published over 60 peer-review journal articles and book chapters.