What’s Next for Israel and Gaza? A Former Mossad Chief’s Insider Perspective


12:00 pm

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There is perhaps no one on Earth more immersed in the world of Israeli intelligence than the director of the Mossad. Tamir Pardo is one of the few people to have held that prestigious and influential position. Since he stepped down from the agency in 2016, Pardo has been a high-profile expert and commentator in the realm of assessing Israel’s array of security threats.

Join American Friends of University of Haifa (American Friends of University of Haifa) for a fascinating discussion with former Mossad Chief Tamir Pardo who will be speaking alongside Dov Weissglas, Chair of the Executive Committee of University of Haifa and former Director-General of Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office under Ariel Sharon, and American Friends of University of Haifa’s Chief Executive Officer Naomi Reinharz.

Pardo will reveal what he believes is occurring behind the scenes as Israel attempts to negotiate a cease-fire agreement with Hamas and determine a post-war plan for Gaza.